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Mod podge application







If you are applying glitter to a jar or cup, try to hold the item from the inside so you don't get your fingers dirty.You can also use Epsom salts to create something that looks like ice or snow.Line a baking sheet with some aluminum foil, and place the jars upside down on it.This will allow the excess dye to flow down the sides of the jar and drain out.If you don't have a dust cloth, use a damp cloth or sponge instead.The tinted Mod Podge will look pastel at first, but it will turn clear and bright once it dries.Put the baking sheet inside a pre-heated oven; use the lowest temperature you can.Avoid placing the jars in a cold area or running them under cold water.Cut the paper or fabric out using a pair of scissors or a craft knife.Make sure that each coat is completely dry before you sand or polish it. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















4 Ways to Mod Podge - wikiHow Life

mod podge application
Image source: i.pinimg.com

You can use it to glue paper or fabric, to a box, or frame.How to Mod Podge. This article will give you basic. Mod Podge can act as both a glue and a sealer. The possibilities are endless. You can even use it to add glitter to an itemHere a few tips you should know before beginning.You’ll be much happier if you cut everything to fit before Mod Podging as opposed to after.If you want to learn how to decoupage correctly, keep reading.I recommend testing a small area before completing your entire project to make sure that the Mod Podge will adhere.If you are working with thinner sheets of scrapbook paper or inkjet printouts, it may help to spray your paper with a clear acrylic sealer before Mod Podging.Wax paper is preferable for covering your table.Mod Podge tissue paper carefully so that it doesn?t tear.Experiment with design elements to determine the layout of your piece.” Mod Podge is a glue that you can decoupage with.Apply a medium coat of Mod Podge to the surface.Keep smoothing until all of the bubbles are removed.Add a protective coat of Mod Podge to the project using a sponge or flat brush.Paper ? Most items, especially thicker papers and scrapbook papers, are ready to be Mod Podged as is.Always start with the underlying design elements and work upward (when layering).

mod podge application
Image source: farm6.static.flickr.com

Do you want to learn how to decoupage the right way? This tutorial shows you the seven most important steps to Mod Podging correctly!


4 Ways to Mod Podge.

How to Mod Podge Paper to Wood (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Be sure to cover the entire surface, from edge to edge.Apply 2 more coats of Modgpode, letting it dry between each coat.Another alternative is to create your design on the computer, then print it out using an inkjet printer.You only need to do this if you chose very thin scrapbooking paper, or if you printed the paper using an ink jet printer.If you need to apply a second coat of paint, let the first one dry before doing so.Nudge it into place, if needed, then gently pat it down.Just be sure it's completely dry first and sealed with clear finish.Let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes, then apply the 2nd coat of Modpodge on top.It would be a good idea to cut the paper out just outside the lines that you drew.Allow the second one to dry as well before moving on.If you are working on a larger piece, however, you will need to upgrade to a larger brush. 7 Steps to Perfect Mod Podging.

mod podge application
Image source: i.pinimg.com

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How to Mod Podge Paper to Wood

mod podge application
Image source: idee-creative.fr


Profitez des videos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde entier..

How to Mod Podge Paper to Wood. Mod Podge is a product that works as a glue and sealer. Many people like to use it to apply paper to wood. The process is simple, but there are a few extra steps you can take to make the finished piece look....


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